It's a hilarious little 80's keyboard with silly features like percussion tracks and various synth sounds. I love it.
I was so excited when I got it home that I kinda forgot about the fact that I have lost nearly all of my musical comprehension skills. This is made all the more frustrating due to the fact that my memory is often like a steel trap. The only two things I have ever had trouble remembering are 1. foreign languages and 2. music theory.
After a day or two of slowly plunking out my various keyboard parts I decided it was time to sit down and re-learn this damn stuff. I decided that, at the very least, I need to re-memorize key signatures and chord structures! I couldn't even remember some of that basic stuff (embarrassing).
Ugh! It has been brain blowingly slow going. However, I have begun to feel the little light bulbs go off. The little parts are starting to make sense and that is a good sign.
I suppose that this is all the break that I get for now.
Back to scales in each key signature....
Wish me luck.