The weather has been giving us a break for a few days here in Seattle. The sun is shining, and it's actually in the 70s! I almost don't know what to do, I feel guilty whenever I'm inside at all. ::sigh:: Such is the plight of living in the Pacific Northwest.
Today the band is getting photos taken. Apparently when you start doing shows regularly you also have to be able to promote yourself with images, ect. I'm really not great at getting my picture taken. At least, not in a "photo shoot" type setting. Funnily enough between playing live, recording and album, and having my picture taken, the picture taken is probably the most challenging for me.
Oh well, no more whining. What a thing to whine about, eh?
I think I'll be fine. I know I'll have this song stuck in my head the whole time. I've never been a big Teegan and Sarah fan, but this song has really caught me. I think it's the piano part that I like. Have a listen!